ROAM Strong
ROAM Strong
Work smarter with our no-nonsense online training programs that will help you run faster, lift heavier, look and feel better.
+ Bespoke training plan based on your goal, availability and experience
+ 24/7 in-app chat access with the coaching team
+ Access an in-depth knowledge bank of helpful guides and tips
+ We’ll calculate you a ballpark calorie intake and macro split
+ Log your training sessions and numbers
Delivered via our ROAM strong training app.
muscle is medicine
The overwhelming evidence cannot be denied. Being physically stronger, and having a lean body composition is the number one thing that you can do to improve your health, longevity and performance and safeguard yourself from just about every single chronic disease we see plaguing our western societies.
Consistently getting enough quality protein and regularly engaging in structured resistance training are without doubt the two biggest levers you can pull to boost these qualities and see sustained progress
your coach
Get unlimited online access to your very own Roam Strong coach, who is on hand anytime and anywhere to make adjustments to your program and give the support needed for sustained progress
your training
Your coach will build you a progressive training plan based on your ability level, goals and availability.
Access a library of useful guides, tips and hacks around nutrition, sleep, recovery and mindset built exclusively for the Strong community by our in-house team
We’ll calculate your ballpark calorie and macro splits, and you can log your sense of wellbeing and personal best training efforts so your coach can monitor your performance.