5 Tips for better sleep
We have come to learn a lot about sleep, it's importance, benefits and how to "do it better" in recent years.
This short guide is just a basic round up of some simple and proven strategies that we have found to have great impact when it comes to better sleep.
TIP 1: Pre Bed - Things to avoid
- Artificial Light - avoiding or limiting artificial light (bluelight) 2-3 hours before bed can support melatonin production.
- Strenuous Exercise - this naturally increases adrenaline, cortisol and endorphins. these hormones are excitatory.
- Caffeine - caffeine is a stimulant.
- Stress - in the form of something work related, an argument or even watching something that is distressing on tv
- Fluid Consumption - consider reducing fluid consumption in the lead up to bed to avoid waking for the bathroom in the night
TIP 2: Pre Bed - Things to try
- Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses - in the 2-3 hours pre bed means that you can continue to work on screens, with less impacts on melatonin production.
- Dim the lights - make your home darker in the evenings to reflect the change in natural light outside.
- Un-plug - from screens & work at least 45-60 mins before getting into your bed. it's important to take time whilst we are awake to switch off.
- Read - in your bed for 15 mins before lights out
TIP 3: Pre Bed Fuel
Consuming certain foods in the lead up to bed can promote the production of critical sleep chemicals in the brain and also enhance repair and muscle growth.
- Protein - Consuming protein in the lead up to bed can support muscle growth & repair.
- Carbohydrates - Despite popular belief, carbs can be a great option 60-90 mins prior to bed. carbohydrate can help transfer tryptophan across the blood brain barrier where it can be turned into melatonin.
TIP 4: Pre Bed Supplements
- Magnesium - Helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
- Tart Cherry - Natural food source of melatonin
- Ashwaghanda - Decreases cortisol & promotes calm.
- Valerian - Promotes calm in sleep stage 1 leading to a deeper sleep in subsequent stages.
- L-Theanine - Elevate your levels of GABA, dopamine and serotonin, which promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety levels.
TIP 5: Improve Sleep Environment
- Room Temperature - Your room should be cool, keeping windows open (even in winter) can help with fresh air flow.
- Bedding - Use natural fibers like 100% cotton & wash all sheets at least once a week.
- Scents - Certain essential oils (lavender & bergamot to name a few) can promote calm and lead to better sleep
- Noise - Noise isn't inherently bad, some can be reassuring & calm white noise can help. Loud infrequent noises like sirens or arguing will disrupt sleep.
- Light - Your room should be as dark as possible (consider black out blinds if needed) & you should expose yourself to as much natural daylight as possible during the day.
- Nasal Strips - Wearing nasal strips can promote oxygen intake whilst decreasing mouth breathing.
It's worth knowing that there is no one single "key" to better health & performance. training, fuel and recovery are all intrinsically linked and need to be prioritised.
These 3 key elements contribute to long terms health & performance results, happiness and a clear and positive mindset.